Here is where you will find helpful information about children's ringette and all the news and updates for U10 this season! If you have any questions please reach out to the division coordinator.
Black Gold League (BGL)
This is the league that St.Albert Ringette (SARA) is designated to play under. Depending on the number of teams in U10 step 1 & 2 may be played in house.
The black gold league is large and stretches from as far North as Fort McMurray to as south as Red Deer, all the way west to Hinton and East to Fort Saskatchewan. Travel should be expected for those teams participating in BGL.
Ringette Alberta (RAB)
Ringette Alberta Website Ringette Alberta is the governing body that all ringette associations are a part of in Alberta. There is lots of information about the game on it for anyone interested in learning more.
Childrens Ringette Guidelines
Understanding Ringette
The following may be helpful in learning more about the game of Ringette as played at the highest level of U10 (step 3) and U12 onwards::
Game Situations, rules, and referee signals