Dibs (Volunteer Bond Program)


No more DIBS available for the 2023-2024 season. 


 An email will be sent out prior to any new DIBS being posted on this page.

If you have questions or if you wish to cancel a shift that you have claimed, please contact dibs@stalbertringette.com



To run a high quality and functioning association, volunteers are required. Without volunteers, our association would simply cease to exist. That being said, volunteer burnout is a very real occurrence in not for profits in every sector, not just our association. The problem is, is that we do not notice the burnout coming sometimes until it is too late, and then we are left with unhappy volunteers, and amazing volunteers that quit. Many hands make light work, and so the SARA DIBS Volunteer Bond Program was introduced in 2016 to encourage volunteerism from the entire membership, to help combat volunteer burnout. 



DIBS are assigned to each player registered in the association from U10 thru U19. Each player has a responsibility for 2 DIBS credits per season. 1 DIBS credit is earned for up to 3 hours volunteered. Any volunteer shifts longer than 3 hours, will earn 2 DIBS. If you choose not to fulfill your player's DIBS requirements, there will be a $200 fee charged automatically per player ($100 per DIBS credit not fulfilled, per player). The volunteer bond is mandatory, and agreement to the terms is necessary to register. The SARA volunteer bond program will apply (and become effective) when a player registers (U10-U19) in the St. Albert Ringette Association. Players who have registered but then either have been released to another association or withdraw from the program, are excluded from the DIBS Volunteer Bond Program.



  • What positions are exempt from DIBS?
    • Head Coaches, Managers, Turkey Ring Committee Members, and Board Members are DIBS exempt.
    • On March 15th 2022, the SARA Board passed a motion that will come into effect for the 2022-23 season: Effective starting in the 2022-23 season, 1 DIBS credit will be awarded to Assistant Coaches, Junior Coaches and Team Treasurers, to recognize their efforts during the season.
    • Minor Box Officials, Jersey Parents, etc. are not eligible for DIBS exemption or credits for fulfilling those positions. Only the positions stated in the first and second points above are either exempt or earn 1 DIBS credit. The bond is designed to fulfill roles for the benefit of the association as a whole.
    • Turkey Ring Tournament shifts are NOT eligible for DIBS credits.

DIBS Opportunities are being added to the website throughout the season and an email will be sent out prior to posting. It is your responsibility to keep on top of checking the website regularly.

  • I've looked online, and I don't see any volunteer roles to claim. What then?


  • DIBS opportunities are added to the website throughout the season. It is your responsibility to keep on top of checking the website regularly. From SARA Board positions (which each year, at least one position goes unfilled), to coaching and manager positions, to evaluations, to various opportunities throughout the season (hosting events, development sessions, Come Try Ringette, etc.), to finally, the equipment return at the end of the season, there is no excuse for not finding an opportunity to volunteer. Every season, posted DIBS shifts go unclaimed.


  • Who tracks my volunteer hours?
    • Our DIBS Coordinator tracks volunteer hours and players with outstanding DIBS requirements.
  • What happens if I want to volunteer for more than the DIBS requirement?

    • While we appreciate your volunteerism, the purpose of the DIBS Program is to prevent volunteer burnout. We will never say no to someone wanting to put in extra volunteer hours, but do ask that you consider the other members that have bonds to fulfill. That being said, as we see each year, we appreciate when someone steps in to fill the void when there are posted DIBS that remain unfilled coming upon the date they are required.

  •  Who do I talk to about volunteer opportunities?
  • Can I work off my bond for the next year? Can I transfer my DIBS to another family? 
    • No. DIBS bonds must be fulfilled for the season registered.
    • No. DIBS are not transferrable.

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